About this speaker
Marco Valussi
I’ve been working with medicinal and aromatic plants for 25 years now. I teach about them at various Master’s Degrees in Italy, I write about them both in professional and scientific publications (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9108-848X ), and I consult about them. I gained my BSc. (Hons.) in Herbal Medicine in London in 1998, and a Diploma in Aromatherapy from ITHMA in 1995. I am currently the production manager and scientific director of the Company Magnifica Essenza, in the heart of the Dolomites in Val di Fiemme, a local, short production chain for high-quality artisan essential oils and aromatic waters. I’m also involved in a second project, whose aim is improving Nepal’s essential oils production chain in order to create long-term economic support, by raising the standards in order to meet EU and US market demands.